The concept of wellness is receiving more focus than ever – and although it’s normally seen as an individual matter, it’s something that companies have to take into consideration as well. Many companies want to be able to get a sense of the overall wellness of their organisation – so that they can make sure their employees aren’t suffering, and that they aren’t losing productivity to a lack of wellness.
What is a wellness report?
As the name might indicate, a wellness report is just that – a report that assesses the wellness of a company. Usually, the company will gather information on employee wellbeing via different surveys. Taken anywhere from once a year to once every month (pulse surveys), surveys can involve questions on the psychological, physical, and financial health of employees. They can also gather information on how productive and engaged employees feel they are. This information is then collated into a report that lets the company know what the overall wellness of their company is, and how their employees are faring.
For instance, a company can use this to determine whether or not there’s a need to begin wellness initiatives – or assess how successful their existing wellness initiatives have been. The information is taken several times over the course of the year so that companies can get a developing picture of their progress, and alter their approach as needed to find better methods. Ideally, this information will help companies achieve solid employee mental health, as well as good corporate wellbeing overall.
Why are wellness reports important?
Wellness is an extremely important factor in the successful running of a company. For a start, it’s extremely important to make sure that employees are thriving at work, and that their work isn’t a detriment to their wellbeing. In addition, a low level of wellbeing can be a major detriment to a company, costing an organisation money in diminished productivity and excessive instances of absenteeism and presenteeism. It’s for this reason that wellness reports are such a vital resource – they help companies reach high levels of corporate wellness so that both they and their employees can flourish.
If you want to start reporting on your Wellness strategy, and be able to collect useful insights on the performance of your wellbeing events, as well as track return on investment, click here.