Lumien partners with Mindspace 247 to provide employees with access to ‘talk therapies’
October 16, 2021

MindSpace247 and Lumien have partnered to deliver a complete health and wellbeing solution to companies, via a single software platform with a dedicated 24/7 counselling hotline. The 2 companies have come together to deliver a solution to organisations which allows them to take a data-driven, strategic approach to wellbeing, with all the necessary tools available to their employees.

Christopher Golby, Co-Founder and Director at Lumien said –

“We’re on a journey to make wellbeing and culture an actionable part of every board meeting, and deliver proactive and preventative mental health and wellbeing support across companies. Lumien helps organisations discover how a data-led wellbeing strategy can support their people and, as a result, improve their business. Lumien provides anonymous data reports, tools and resources for employees; alongside whole company analytics, and tools for driving a wellbeing strategy across a whole organisation. The reports & recommendations provided by Lumien are delivered at an individual, team & entire business level, allowing organisations to take a more proactive approach and place their team’s wellbeing on the balance sheet.

We’re excited about this partnership as it allows us to support those employees who are experiencing difficulties and need support straight away. Whilst Lumien, as a whole, supports organisations in designing a healthy workplace, and offering self-help tools for employees, Mindspace 247 completes the circle, and allows human support for those who need support straight away”.


Guy Outram, Co-Founder of Mindspace247 stated

“We began with a mission to make talking about one’s mental health as commonplace as talking with your GP. Whilst there are some excellent apps and services available to everyone, research tells us conclusively that talking with someone about one’s concerns, life problems etc. has the single most significant positive impact on one’s wellbeing. Picking up the phone to speak about your own mental health concerns with a complete stranger is a brave thing to do, so we built MindSpace247 knowing that speed and accessibility without any barriers is so important to each and every caller. We aim to get every caller interacting with their therapist as quickly as possible, often in minutes.

 Lumien’s service is vital in helping organisations understand the mental wellbeing of their employees. The tools and resources they provide to employees are first class and this partnership now ensures that between us we are able to support everyone seeking better mental health wherever they may be on that journey.”


A core aim of the partnership is to allow companies to deliver the same public health model used by the NHS, which is built on a 3-tier pyramid:

Primary – Universal proactive and preventative support.

Secondary – Strategically identified interventions for those at risk.

Tertiary – Interventions for those who have experienced ill health.

Lumien provides support across the primary and secondary aspects of the model by providing tools and resources for employees which are driven and optimised by Lumien’s data-led approach to wellbeing strategy. Mindspace247 are able to operate at the secondary and tertiary levels, providing around the clock, unlimited counselling without the need for a GP referral whilst making speed of access a priority. Typically, the NHS and other providers focus on those who are already struggling with their mental health or are at risk, MindSpace247 is available to everyone who has just had a bad day and needs to talk with someone, which is vital in promoting positivity and the prevention of poor mental health. If organisations are to begin to truly tackle poor mental health and wellbeing in their workforce, they must work across all three of these areas at once, putting proactive and reactive services into place. This unique partnership allows us to cover the entire pyramid, allowing both companies to strive towards their missions within the workplace and help employees access tools and resources wherever they are on that pyramid.

This unique partnership can also help companies further, allowing them to begin working towards achieving occupational health and safety standards such as ISO45001/3 or even fulfil criteria for awards such as the Investors in People ‘We invest in Wellbeing’ award.

Henry Ford once said: “The two most important things in any company do not appear on its balance sheet – it’s reputation and its people”. Lumien and Mindspace 247 are on a journey to change this, and create a whole-organisation, whole-person approach to wellbeing, driven by a data-driven strategic approach.