Survey burnout? How to maximise your employee’s engagement
October 02, 2021

Are you looking at improving employee engagement?

The most common way for a company to gather information on employee wellbeing is through the use of surveys. However, being presented with an extensive survey at work when you’ve got a large to-do list to get through can be a laborious task for employees – and as such it’s easy for them to experience survey burnout.

Survey burnout occurs when employees find surveys to be overly long and complex, and it damages their motivation and ability to engage with the survey properly, or complete it in the first place. As a result, it becomes harder to get an accurate picture of employee mental health and overall corporate wellbeing. In light of this, boosting employee engagement is a very big concern for companies nowadays. Here are three ways to stay a step ahead when it comes to gathering employee data.

Advertise the advantages

One of the main reasons that employees find it difficult to be enthusiastic about surveys is because they don’t have an idea of the benefits that can come from filling them in. Wellbeing analytics are an extremely helpful tool for any company, and used correctly they can help to make work more enjoyable and fulfilling for employees, and increase productivity across the company. It makes sense then, to let employees know how their answers will be used to improve their experience at work. If you do this, they’ll be much more inclined to share their opinions.

Demonstrate results

The whole point of surveys is to collect information that you can use to measure and improve the employee experience – so if you fail to do this, it’s going to hamper engagement in a big way. You have to provide your employees with concrete examples of how their answers have or will change their working life – do this and they’ll be more eager to fill in the next survey that comes their way.

Use pulse surveys

This is one of the big changes you can make to improve engagement – opting for pulse surveys rather than annual surveys. Annual surveys are overly long and complex – which makes employees a lot less likely to bother. Pulse surveys, on the other hand, are simple surveys taken periodically throughout the year – and this makes them infinitely more appealing. Employees will be much more willing to engage with a simple survey that only lasts around fifteen minutes. In addition, pulse surveys are helpful because they give you a more constant stream of feedback.


For more information on how to manage your team effectively, with tips to looking after employee wellbeing and productivity, download our handy guide: Managing the wellbeing and productivity of your remote team.