Why should you engage with your organisation’s wellness strategy?
April 09, 2020

Employee wellbeing has been the focus of workplace agendas for a while, but perhaps as an employee, it’s difficult to know why or how you should be engaging with this? Here are some reasons why it’s important you engage with reporting on your organisation’s wellness strategy.

Have your experiences – and needs – heard

The modern workplace has changed drastically over the past decade, with more people than ever working remotely or on a flexible basis. Nowhere is this more evident than in the current COVID-19 pandemic, which indicates that things are going to change much more in the years to come. If you want to make sure that your voice is heard in your organisation, then it’s important you engage with the reporting tools put in place. These could be surveys or free internal events that seek to get your feedback. By attending, you can ensure your needs are registered and carried forth into any updated wellness strategy.

Demonstrates your commitment

It would be easy to dismiss that email requesting you to fill out a quick survey about mental health provision in the workplace. Or to ‘forget’ to attend a company event designed to get your responses on how your employer can better meet your work needs. But if you want to show that you are dedicated to improving the structure, ethos and dynamics of your company from within, then getting on board with such wellness initiatives could go a long way to positioning yourself as an engaged team player in the eyes of key personnel in the future.

Benefits to you and the wider company

Employee wellness strategies have two major benefits. Of course, any outcome in terms of additional help and resources is an advantage for employees. But in order to reap those rewards, it’s vital that all staff see themselves as stakeholders in the future of the company’s drive to deliver better support for workers. The second benefit is that such strategies can actually help organisations become more streamlined and reduce overheads, which when done well has a trickle-down effect, benefiting you, the employee, in the long run by redistributing resources and alleviating stress.

Getting involved with evaluating how well your organisation’s wellness strategy is working is key to the health and wellbeing of not just you and your colleagues, but future employees to come.