Can you prove your wellbeing interventions improve staff productivity?
October 07, 2019

f you you delivering wellbeing initiatives for your organisation to improve staff productivity, you’ll understand the struggle of proving your initiatives really work. 

You think that your wellbeing events are having a positive benefit on your staff. And you are pretty sure that Wellbeing initiatives are a good investment for improving your employees presenteeism and workplace productivity.

But where is the data behind all this?


In order for your organisation to get real results from your wellbeing efforts, it is important that you build a cohesive planthat’s built around the needs of your business. 

People are the backbone of any successful business, and so employee wellbeing data should be used in every business decision.

And yet, employers are still failing to see the link between employee wellbeing and workplace productivity. UK employee productivity levels are way behind that of other countries, with The Office for National Statistics estimating that ‘output per hour worked in the UK was nearly 16% below the average for the rest of the G7 economies’.

Quite frankly, it’s puzzling that employee health and wellbeing is not yet a cornerstone for businesses aiming to improve their productivity – especially when you see that the evidence provides an intrinsic link between mental health and wellbeing at work and staff productivity levels. Jobs that are autonomous, supported and secure, with a good work-life balance and a good income, are linked with better mental health and wellbeing, absenteeism – and higher productivity.


Data – the key word – can be almost impossible to collate and analyse if you’re too busy micro-managing Steven from Marketing who doesn’t seem to do any work. And that in itself makes it almost impossible to prove your initiatives really make a difference to your organisation’s bottom line. Tracking Return on Investment – or even Value on Investment – is amazing but only when you have the time to properly analyse it!

Fortunately for you, our mental health and wellbeing analytics platform is built for people like you. Lumien can track how effective your wellbeing interventions are on your staff productivity levels, as well as providing you with a platform to calculate return on investment.