5 ways wellness events are beneficial to your organisation
February 28, 2020

5 ways wellness events are beneficial to your organisation

As a company leader, you may have noticed an increased emphasis on prioritising employee well-being. From yoga workshops to wellness adventures, companies are working harder to offer incentives to their staff in order to promote health, fitness, or just create a safer space.

Whether you invest daily, or just commit 30 minutes a week to corporate well-being, there are a whole host of benefits to implementing wellness events in your organisation.


1) Increase productivity

Between 2004 and 2007, the Royal Mail invested £45 million in wellbeing schemes across the organisation and saw a return of £225 million.

It’s clear from this study that wellbeing and productivity are linked. While it’s tempting for any manager to simply expect their employees to be on time and keep absences to a minimum, adopting a rewarding culture could see greater benefits in the long-term.

2) Boost recruitment

What do employees want from their job? A decent salary, a sense of purpose and fast progression would have been at the top of the list 20 years ago.

However, the trends are changing. While these are still important selling points for a job, companies that offer a healthy work-life balance, as well as competitive benefits and an effective wellness strategy are becoming a lot more attractive.

3) Improve retention

Your employees are your greatest resource. Companies that fail to recognise that will experience frequent staff turnover. With the current retention crisis in teaching, schools are becoming extremely imaginative with their wellbeing packages.

Delivering effective internal wellness events will help in keeping your best employees in your organisation.

4) Make headlines

Jean-Louis Gassee once said: “PR is getting someone else to say you’re good.” A competitive and eye-catching wellbeing program could place your company in the spotlight for all the right reasons.

Google has regularly made the news for its world-renowned workplace wellness events. Imagine what you could do with the same exposure.

5) Better decision making

Over half the decisions made in a company are improved when made as a team. Using wellbeing events have been shown to create an open and safe working environment.

If your employees feel comfortable with each other, they’re more likely to communicate, support each other during approaching deadlines and cope with pressure.


Lumien allows you to build more effective wellness events for your company, and with direct links between employee satisfaction and staff productivity, why would you wait to track ROI?!