Companies are made of people. Look after your employees, and they will in turn look after your customers. This is the foundation of employee-centric culture and how the modern business world operates. Workplaces that focus on employee health and wellbeing are far more likely to improve profitability in the long term, with greater employee morale, higher job satisfaction and a distinguished company profile.
Employee wellness plays a key part in this culture. But how do you get a baseline reading to know where your organisation stands? Below are 5 key methods you can use to measure wellbeing at work.
Organisation’s can be greatly affected by absenteeism, with productivity losses linked to absenteeism costing employers nearly £175 billion annually, which is just over £1,300 per employee. You can get a lot of absenteeism information from your HR system.
Reasons for absence
Why an employee (or employees) miss work is important when tracking wellbeing. This indicator will give the organisation a feel of how stressed or burned out the employees are relative to the reason of absence. If the absence is down to poor mental health, it should become a goal by both the employee and employer to improve the situation. If you are unsure of what to look out for, then read our article on the symptoms of poor mental health.
However, be aware that 95 per cent of employees calling in sick with stress give a different reason for needing time off. If you are measuring this, you may want to begin to look in to the area of HR analytics to achieve more reliable results.
Return to work interview data
This can often be used, especially when the employee is returning after a period of poor mental health, to help the employee reintegrate into work with less anxiety, and to help the company understand the reasons behind the absence; including whether it could be prevented in the future. There are plenty of workplaces which now return to work interviews, so capturing anonymous data from these can help in measuring overall wellbeing.
Employee Engagement Survey data
High performing organisations are proven to have supported their employees through developing engagement programmes, such as annual surveys. When you realise that only 12% of employees leave for more money, it makes you realise how important it is to understand why someone would leave the organisation. An important aspect of this can be tracking how employees feel their general health and wellbeing is handled by the organisation, as this could be a key reason for exit, and another way to track wellbeing in the company.
If you would like to find out more about wellbeing programmes, and more specifically, be able to calculate the benefit of them, download our free mental health and wellness ROI calculator here.